The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
What is the Social Etiquette?
Etiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations forsocialbehavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, socialclass, or group. ... Etiquette is behavior that assists survival and has changed and evolved over the years.
Using proper etiquettedoes not mean you are stuffy or old-fashioned. Having mannersmeans you are a respectful person and considerate of others. Use of etiquettecan convey respect of other cultures, traditions, or religions.
Good manners are importantfor considering the feelings of other people and being the kind of person that others will like and respect. Practicing these manners on a daily basis makes for a more pleasant life.
Courtesy, politeness, respect, and considerationfor others
We know to say "thank you" upon receiving something, "please" while asking, "nice to meet you" or some other cordial response upon meeting someone. Politeness is almost a ritual response. Courteous is more of an upbringing, refinement, a graciousness that persists in all aspects of behavior.
What are the 3 key differences between courtesy and politeness?
This is a difficult distinction to make as even the thesaurus shows the word "polite" with the word "courteous". Polite seems to be more linked to correct social behaviors meaning that this may differ culturally or geographically. It is more of a generalized response. We know to say "thank you" upon receiving something, "please" while asking, "nice to meet you" or some other cordial response upon meeting someone. Politeness is almost a ritual response. Courteous is more of an upbringing, refinement, a graciousness that persists in all aspects of behavior. Thus, it may be possible to be polite, while still not being courteous.
Politeness = behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people.
The most important characteristics of every human being who lives among other people are Tact and Empathy.
Tactis the ability to deliver a difficult message in a way that considers other people's feelings and preserves relationships. It encompasses many things, such as emotional intelligence, discretion, compassion, honesty, and courtesy.
The term “Empathy” is used to describe awide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define Empathyas the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Etiquette is by its nature a conservative feature of behavior, but it has a very important stabilizing role.
The social behavior stopped to be only a private business of a man, but becomes a very necessary working condition.
Interactive course — communication, protocol & etiquette (8 lessons)
lectured by prestigious psychologist PhDr. Dagmar Kopčanova, PhD. will make you sure that, while putting just a little bit of effort, anybody can become a very solid communicator.
However, you have to start listening to others and perceive yourself. And when you will master the basics of protocol and etiquette, the success will knock at the door …. The price of a one day course (8 lessons) is 150,- Euro
Refreshment and certificate on absolving the course, are included in this price.
Телефон: + 421 905 033 970
Deti (od 3-6 rokov)
Začiatok kurzu: september 2018 podľa dohody doobeda od 09:00 hod., alebo poobede od 14:00 hod.
Trvanie kurzu: v priebehu 10 týždňov - 10 stretnutí (týždenne 1x 2 hodiny)
Účastnický poplatok za celé trvanie kurzu: 199,-Eur
Deti (od 6 - 12 rokov)
Začiatok kurzu: september 2018 (sobota) podľa dohody doobeda od 09:00 hod., alebo poobede od 14:00 hod.
Trvanie kurzu: v priebehu 10 týždňov - 10 stretnutí (týždenne 1x 2 hodiny)
Účastnický poplatok za celé trvanie kurzu: 199,-Eur
Individuálny One to One kurz
Jednorázový účastnícky poplatok: 30,-Eur (60 min)
Termín podľa požiadavky účastníka.
Pre uchádzačov, ktorí sa prihlásia do 30.augusta 2018 máme špeciálnu cenu individuálneho kurzu 25,-Eur (60 min)
Pre študentov znížená cena individuálneho kurzu 18,-Eur (60 min)
Veľmi vhodné pre tých, ktorí sa potrebujú pripraviť na:
Základnú umeleckú školu, Konzervatórium, Vysokú školu múzických umení.
Každý účastník, ktorý absolvuje dvojmesačný kurz 2x týždenne (90 min) v cene 399,-Eur získa:
Certifikát o absolvovaní kurzu, ktorý môže priložiť ako prílohu k prijímačkám na umelecké školy.
Kurzy herectva pre DOSPELÝCH
V poobednajších hodinách alebo víkendový jednorázový kurz.
Termín podľa požiadavky účastníka. V prípade, že sa v budúcnosti chcete stať hercom, či vyskúšať si filmovú rolu alebo rozvíjať sebadôveru a komunikačné schopnosti - je tento kurz určený práve pre Vás.